Exploration north of MR (Harcourt Project)
Status: EL approved 1/3/2021.
Although this application was recently approved, you should still object due to: minimal advertising by the mining company; issues with visibility of that advertising due to the pandemic, difficulties due to the pandemic. Info on objecting to applications and objection link.
Type of application: Exploration Licence, No. EL007262.
Project Name: Syndicate Minerals ridiculously call this the “Harcourt Project” even though it is west of Harcourt and on the west boundary of the beautiful Mount Alexander Regional Park.
Applicant: Syndicate Minerals Pty Ltd (“Syndicate Minerals”)
Covering areas: Sutton Grange, Faraday, Elphinstone and Metcalfe.
Named by the applicant “Harcourt EL007262” this exploration application is the region of Faraday, Metcalf, Elphinstone, Chewton, Pilchers Brdge Nature Conservation Reserve, Sutton Grange, Mount Alexander Regional Park.
This is one of five applications by Syndicate Minerals, see top menu for others impacting other areas in or around the Macedon Ranges. See below image of two covering Macedon Ranges.
Syndicate Minerals have posted this information on their website. https://www.syndicateminerals.com.au/harcourt-el007262